Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Should I pursue Ph.D. While working?

Should I pursue Ph.D. While working?
By Jayaprakash G  (My personal view and experience)

I am often asked this question how to do Ph.D. while working?

I have tried to put together the steps I followed/learned while I am living the experience. First answer the four questions Why?  Where? How? How long?

Deciding to do...

Question #1 – Why you want to do Ph.D.?
  • Whether you want to pursue academics 
  • Want to work for R & D / Technology company
  • Want to add Dr. to your name
Question #2 – How you want to do, full time or part time?
  • Whether you want to quit/take long leave
  • Whether you want to continue working and do it part time
Question #3 – Where to do?
Whether in India or Abroad

Question #4 – How long you are prepared to commit?
Whether you can commit your time for 4-6 years

These are very important questions you will need to answer before you decide to take the big leap. Based on these answers, you choices differ

For ex:- 
  • Let us say you want to pursue academics, then IITs are preferred. If  not IITs then you should pursue either Ph.D. or post-doc abroad in a good university.
  • Let us say you want to continue working and do it part time, then decide on Indian University

Decided to do:  (If you answer is Part time and Indian University)
1.  Pick an area you would to like to work; it can be broad topic as IoT Security, Software Engineering, Cloud security, economics, HR, etc
2.  Find out which professors are working in this area. All universities have detailed profile of their professors. Professors often provide their contact email Ids
3.   Do your homework, literature survey on this area
4.   Approach the professor with your interest to work with them
5.   Often professors respond to have a call or ask for face to face meeting
6.   Discuss with professor, talk about your experience and discuss your research interests
7.   More often professors would ask you to do some homework like reading papers/journals or give you few assignments to test your skills/expertise
8.   Once professor is convinced, they would ask you to apply for the Ph.D. and follow process
9.   Each university has different process for Ph.D. candidate selection
o    Test, Interview, Assignment and final selection
o    It requires letter of interest from the professor

Selected and doing:

1.   If you are BTech/BE,  than it requires you to do acquire 32 credits.
2.   If Masters, then it is 16 credits
3.   This requires you to be present in university. It takes about 1-2 years
4.   During these two years along with acquiring the credits, you are required to do detailed literature survey
5.   By the end of 2nd year, you should have completed the detailed literature survey of your area
o    Academic work - Papers, Journals
o    Industry - State of the art, Current products, existing solutions
o    Emerging technology - Work in progress products/solutions
6.   Comprehensive report should cover
o    Literature survey
o    Problem statement
o    Gaps, Thesis area, and future work plan
7.   Comprehensive exam
o    Defend your report. This is an important step in the Ph.D. life cycle.

Ph.D. in Progress:

Each professor/university has different criteria like number of conference papers, journals and which conference to target


Best wishes to all of you who pursued PhD and completed. I finished my PhD and working as a researcher in a Information security. Do write to me about your experience. I will continue improving/updating my blog.